The Atherton State High School P&C encourages close co-operation between the school, parents and the wider community in a way that maximises benefits to students and integrates the school with the community. P&C members work with the Executive, Principal and school staff on behalf of the school families to foster an interest amongst the parents in educational matters and engage in decision making processes within the school.
The School tuckshop is an integral part of P&C business and each year makes a donation to the P&C from profits made during that year. These funds are utilised by the school for the benefit of students. If meetings are not your thing then get hands on at the tuck shop. Volunteer opportunities range from one hour sessions (8.30am-9.30am), two hour sessions (9.00am-11.00am) or a full morning. Commitments can be casual or regular. To express interest or to enquire further contact the P&C or the School.
Everyone is encouraged to become a member of the P&C.
Please complete the
The P&C application form (PDF, 111KB).
The P&C meets monthly on every second Tuesday at 5.30pm in the Library.
The School P&C Constitution is available upon request to the Secretary.
The Executive Committee
President: To be advised
Vice President: Lois Nehow
Secretary: Rosemary Warburton
Treasurer: Deana Nasser